“In managing teaching logistics, Katherine is both proactive and creative...She also takes care of all the ‘intangibles’— easing student anxiety before speeches, offering sharp criticism when it is needed, and being everyone’s biggest source of support. Simply put, Katie has been indispensable to me, and to the class as a whole. In addition to being a superb student, she is also a spectacular teacher and course manager.”
“Katie is grounded, warm, and hopeful. I have seen her preach in a multi-religious context to more than a hundred participants. I have seen her lead conversation with a group of fewer than a dozen people, most of whom were homeless. Her warmth and care were equally apparent in both settings. She is able to connect personally in large and small groups. Katie is a bridge builder.”
More Praise for Katherine Blaisdell
Teaching, Preaching, & Public Speaking
“Katherine is an incredibly inspiring teacher that I can only hope to be like when I grow up.” – Alex
“Katherine is kind, a great teacher, and a fun person to be around. She is centered and down-to-earth.” – Megan
“Katherine has many talents and will be missed by our church – especially her wonderful sermons and positive presence.” – Marilyn
“It is a gift to have her teach us.” – Anne Marie
One-on-One Coaching
“During the confirmation process, Katherine helped me a lot and become somewhat of a role model for me as a follower of God.” – Anna, age 13
“I will always remember the confidence she gave me when we talked about my granddaughter’s announcement about being gay. My granddaughter and I have maintained our close relationship, and, thanks to Katherine’s wise counseling, our bonds are deeper than ever.” – Dwin, age 92
“Over two decades of knowing Katie, I have seen her involved in a huge variety of leadership positions. I have never seen her not be prepared, organized, creative, passionate and motivational. She has an uncanny ability to perceive the best skills in each person and help to draw them out for the good of the total.” – Ben
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
“It was a blessing to engage the topic of gender diversity with others in a way that welcomes and acknowledges the sacred – and heartwarming to know that we are equipped with understanding to make our community (and world!) more welcoming.” – Carol
“Katherine brings passion and experience to social justice, and she understands how to walk with people who are at different places in terms of their awareness and perspectives on justice issues.” – Matt Wooster, CEO, Wellesley, MA
“Judge Rosemary Collyer is right, of course. Katherine is the font of all knowledge. Her contributions to voting rights have been legendary.” Tim Mellett, Voting Rights Attorney, Washington, DC
“Katie is extremely bright with truly exceptional communication skills, in particular her writing abilities.” – Joe Kertes, retired college dean, Los Angeles, CA
“I absolutely love reading Katherine’s work! It is quite brilliant. She is very gifted as a writer, and I predict that will be a big part of her career ahead. Great work, good and faithful servant!” the late, great Harry L. Huff, organist and professor, 2015
“Katie has impeccable writing skills. Her love of language is such that, when reading something that she wrote, it is impossible to not feel the passion and intellect that effortlessly emanate from the page. Katie’s love of learning is contagious, and she brings out the best in those around her.” – Joy Winkler, Community Organizer, New York
General Praise
“I am glad anytime Katherine is in a position where her intelligence, leadership, and creativity are called upon.” – Germán
“God has gifted Katie with intelligence and compassion, as well as self-confidence and awareness, and most importantly, a personal calling to be of service.” – Kathleen
“Katherine is able to effectively invest her humanity, service-mindedness, leadership, experience, multi-talents and passion toward the greater good.” – Joe
“I can attest not only to her intelligence, analytical ability, and academic performance, but also to her integrity of character. I am confident that Katie’s intelligence, leadership abilities, amiable personality, and commitment to public service will impress you as well.” – Gordon Babst, Political Scientist
“Ms. Blaisdell is brilliant, articulate and enthusiastic about civil rights and public service. She has been highly sought after among attorneys because of her integrity, diligent work ethic, attention to details and organization, sound judgment, sharp mind, desire to learn and be mentored, punctuality, dependability, and overall positive attitude.” – SaraBeth Donovan, Attorney, South Dakota
“With her intelligence, commitment, and strength of character, I am convinced she will succeed.” – the late Marvin Meyer, 2012